Poetry As Usual

Part of what makes Autumn so charming is its inherent self-reflective melancholy. Every fall I feel sad about pasts that I rarely think of at other times of the year. It's a sort of mourning for the absence of a specific pain--a pang at the realization that the once gripping, absorbing to-the-brim suffering has transformed itself into a vague and often absent-minded, undedicated nostalgia. So that's what this is.

Thanks to Eric for inviting me to post.

what did you think would happen?


I lean as close to your body
with my words as I can.

I don’t know who took the photo with the despair

a flick of the wrist
and everything shifts
what I will take home
what will stay.

push forward

nothing’s good enough
we don’t even need a complete sentence
stuck between apples, temperance—
sweet, tart and thin-skinned

all that space between provides
is space


I let time slide—
my grey Belief—
remember when I was all
hardened gleam--
my body just moving?

Remember dirty jokes?

time don’t slide, dearie.
I was just dragging it behind me—


At the top of the park
golden sludge of traffic
nudges lights
across the black smear of road
toward your house--

this time is the same as that time

more beautiful.